About Us

Hi my name is Mark McGowan and I built this site because of the main stream media like CNN, MSNBC,  NEWS MAX, and even FOX NEWS who do nothing but lie to you or just don’t report anything at all on the subjects you want or need to be aware off

CONTACT MARK: mark@enoughisenoughtv.com

Hi my name is Jordan Gillman I am constitutionalist libertarian. I really noticed the lies of the media, corporation, and  government when 9/11 happened. I didn’t know it then but that would start my journey to find out the truth. I have been red pilled for over 15 years and still learning new truths with everything going on today the research never stops.

CONTACT JORDAN: jordan@enoughisenoughtv.com

Hi, my name is Daniel Haag. I have been a truth seeker for as long as I remember. I remember being an Alter Boy about the age of 8 in church and thinking look how big that book is. Why does he keep reading the same things out of it all the time? Is he trying to make us all think the same thing? As time went by and I was in school I remember when they changed the curriculum of what was being taught. I remember thinking all I have to do is mainly regurgitate the dates and names on the test. What the event was didn’t really matter. As I questioned and research what was going on I found out how deep the rabbit hole goes. Throughout my life, I have been reporting and informing any, and all that would listen. I have found it is not my job to teach what I think, it is to present what I have learned and let others make their own decisions on what I have found.

CONTACT DAN: dan@enoughisenoughtv.com